
Our employees have extensive experience in pension plan administration, including data reconciliation, the preparation of government filings, and the completion of employee benefit statements. These employees also perform benefit calculations as well as prepare the necessary benefit application forms and participant notices required by the IRS.

In addition, our staff includes two individuals who provide administrative support.

Connect with our team

President & Co-Owner

Mike Rust


Adriane Strenk

Lead Actuary

Rick Kubiak

Senior Actuary

Allen Pauly

Senior Actuarial Analyst

Graham Benter

Senior Consultant

Brian Rust


Tracy Kerr

Senior Actuary

Kevin Cole

Associate Actuary

Dan Mowan

Associate Actuary

Jack Smith

Actuarial Analyst

Jacob Ring

President & Co-Owner


Mike Rust is an owner of CRS and has over 30 years of actuarial consulting experience. Prior to forming CRS, Mike had 15 years of actuarial experience with Hewitt Associates in Lincolnshire, Illinois and Charlotte, North Carolina. He specializes in multiemployer pension and health and welfare plans and has extensive experience preparing projections of the future funding requirements of these plans.

Mike is an Enrolled Actuary under ERISA, a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries, and an Associate of the Society of Actuaries. In 2003, his book “Taking Care of Mom and Dad – The Money, Politics, and Emotions that Come with Supporting Your Parents” was published. Mike has discussed the topics covered in his book on National Public Radio and other radio stations including locally in Cincinnati and has been quoted in various regional newspapers. Mike has presented material at numerous International Foundation Annual Conferences.


Adriane Strenk

Adriane Strenk is an owner of CRS and has over 25 years of benefit consulting experience. She is a Consultant and provides day-to-day administrative support for our clients. Adriane received her Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) designation through the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. She works with Plan Administrators in obtaining and reconciling the participant data needed to value Plan liabilities. Adriane prepares annual funding notices and PPA notices and reviews Plan documents, amendments, and summaries of material modifications. Adriane also performs individual benefit calculations and reviews Qualified Domestic Relations Orders.

Lead Actuary

Rick Kubiak

Rick Kubiak is a Senior Actuary at CRS. Rick graduated from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Actuarial Science and Traditional Mathematics. He joined CRS in 2018 after working with Aon for five years in Cleveland, Ohio. Rick has experience on pension plan funding requirements, ASC 715 accounting disclosures, plan terminations, forecasts, PBGC premium strategies, and administrative support. The types of plans worked on include corporate plans, multiemployer plans, postretirement medical plans, public plans, church plans, and supplemental executive retirement plans. Rick is an Enrolled Actuary under ERISA and an Associate of the Society of Actuaries.

Senior Actuary

Allen Pauly

Allen Pauly is a Senior Actuary at CRS.  Allen earned a Bachelor of Arts in Actuarial Science from the University of Connecticut.  He began his career in 2016 as an Actuarial Assistant at The Benefit Practice in Stamford, CT.  Allen joined CRS in 2018.  He has experience in designing, funding, and non-discrimination testing of both defined benefit and defined contribution plans.  Allen is an Enrolled Actuary under ERISA, an Associate of the Society of Actuaries (SOA), a Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst, and is currently pursuing his SOA Fellowship designation.

Senior Actuarial Analyst

Graham Benter

Graham Benter is a Senior Actuarial Analyst at CRS.  He graduated from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Actuarial Science and Economics.  Graham has experience with pension plan funding, and accounting for defined benefit and postretirement medical plans.  Graham is currently taking the exams needed to become an Enrolled Actuary.

Senior Consultant

Brian Rust

Brian Rust is a Senior Consultant at CRS. Brian provides administrative support for our clients. Brian joined CRS from Marlin Financial Services in Los Angeles, California where he was Director of Business Development. Brian has a Bachelor of Arts in Finance and has received his Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) designation and his Retirement Plans Associate (RPA) designation through the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.


Tracy Kerr

Tracy Kerr is a Consultant at CRS.  Tracy provides administrative support for our clients including data reconciliation, preparation of government filings and employee benefit statements.  She also prepares benefit calculations as well as the necessary benefit application forms and participant notices required by the IRS.

Senior Actuary

Kevin Cole

Kevin Cole is a Senior Actuary at CRS. Kevin is an Associate of the Society of Actuaries and an Enrolled Actuary. Kevin graduated from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Actuarial Science. Kevin has experience with performing actuarial valuations for pension plans and retiree health and welfare plans.

Associate Actuary

Dan Mowan

Dan Mowan is an Associate Actuary at CRS. He joined CRS in 2024. Dan graduated from Ball State University with two Actuarial Science Degrees (Master and Bachelor). Dan has experience with pension plan actuarial valuations, funding projections and data reconciliation. Dan is taking the exams needed to become an Enrolled Actuary.

Associate Actuary

Jack Smith

Jack Smith is an Associate Actuary at CRS. He graduated from the University of Dayton with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Mathematics, a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics, and a minor in Actuarial Science. Jack has experience on pension plan valuations, forecasts, ASC 715 accounting disclosures, government filings, plan terminations, and administrative support. The types of plans worked on include corporate plans, multiemployer plans, postretirement medical plans, public plans, and church plans. Jack is currently taking the exams needed to become an Enrolled Actuary.

Actuarial Analyst

Jacob Ring

Jacob Ring is an Actuarial Analyst at CRS. He graduated from Maryville University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Actuarial Science. In addition, he has a Master’s degree in data analytics from Washington University in St. Louis. Jacob is currently taking the actuarial exams to become an Enrolled Actuary and Associate of the Society of Actuaries.